“Don’t judge me for what I wear,
And don’t tell me that you care.
I may not have a roof over my head,
If I only had a sofa or bed.
I don’t want anyone to talk or stare,
I did not choose this life that’s unfair.
I also have dreams just like you,
The only difference is that yours will come true.
My family did not choose to be poor,
They used to own the neighborhood store.
Then one day we lost everything,
And mom had to sell her diamond ring.
Then dad left us all alone,
And mom seemed to always be gone.
There were days when I did not have food,
That’s why I may have acted so rude.
You made me believe in myself that day,
And showed me that tomorrow will be better than today!
Accept me for who I am”
Poem by: Rajani Rastogi, HHS Social Worker
The Hamilton Student Welfare Fund exists to provide students and their families with financial and crisis support intervention and resources. Our goal is to create stability while fostering more productive learning conditions during difficult times. This fund was established to help the Homeless and other underprivileged students and their families with basic needs including but not limited to: food, clothing, school supplies, housing, utility support and important community and counseling opportunities.

20 - 25%
of Hamilton students are eligible for the free and reduced lunch programs.

20 – 25%
may go hungry or need supplies for daily living.

Hamilton students who qualify for free or reduced lunches has increased more than 625% since 2007.

students are experiencing some type of financial hardship. In the past, we had funds to help only 300 students and families in need, but with ongoing support from our sponsors at Hamilton and within the community, we strive to help all children at Hamilton High School and CUSD.
How you can help:
Make a financial contribution to the Hamilton Student Welfare Fund (provides emergency assistance for students and families in crisis; the only fund of its kind in the district).
Provide a new or refurbished laptop or bicycle for a student who does not have one.
Donate non-perishable food.
Donate grocery store, Target or Walmart Gift cards for families in need.
Lend a hand in a granola bar drive to help students that are hungry.
Do a community fundraiser for our homeless population.
Every year, we need sponsors for our Christmas “Adopt A Family” program. We sponsored over 109 families in 2018 for our Holiday giving program and hosted a Holiday dinner for 250 people including dinner, family portraits, Santa and family gifts.
We are equal, together
we are One
Our “Come As You Are” event was a tremendous success! Thank you so much for your support!
If you missed the event and would like to contribute, feel free to click the DONATE button!
For more information or to support those in need, contact Hamilton High School’s social worker, Rajani Rastogi, LMSW, at:
rastogi.rajani@cusd80.com or 480.883.5182.
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